The Host by Stephenie Meyer | Teen Ink

The Host by Stephenie Meyer

December 15, 2009
By kenyarenucci BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
kenyarenucci BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you love the thrill of an impossible decision? Then The Host by Stephanie Meyer is for YOU!!

The Host is a science fiction book about a version of the world that is attacked by….souls. The souls take dead human bodies or kill humans so that a soul can be set in to control the body. They’re mission was to create a safer, nicer, more peaceful generation.Wanda is a highly experienced soul trying to live in the body of a human named Melanie. Then suddenly she realizes that the mind and the memory are still intact.
Wanda and Melanie, later, find a colony in the middle of the desert where Melanie’s human survivor relatives and other survivors are maintaining. She has to make the decision whether to sacrifice herself and let Melanie have the power of her own body or to let Melanie (eventually) take over her mind and be controlled by Melanie for the rest of her life.
This book is fantastic. I have always loved Stephenie Meyer’s writing. But I wanted something new to read other than my vice The Twilight Series, so I picked up The Host. It was difficult for me at first, to start the book, because of the dullness in the epilogue. The Host can be a bit confusing at times, and Stephenie Meyer could have done a better job being clearer about some of the character’s memories and history.
A lot of people say that it didn’t make any sense for The Host to be an “adult” book. I disagree. There is far more drama and a lot of the hardships that the main character Wanda has to go through like self sacrifice, lust and pain that somebody of a younger age wouldn’t understand. That’s what makes it interesting.
The Host is action-packed and will keep you on you’re toes throughout the entire book. I recommend this book to all ages. If you’re a Twilighter or a die-hard Stephenie Meyer fan (like myself) then this book is perfect for you.

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