Bleachers | Teen Ink


November 13, 2007
By Anonymous

By: John Grisham
Realistic fiction

Set in the town of Messina, Bleachers tells the story of Neely Crenshaw and Eddie Rake. Just a little about each of them is Neely Crenshaw a former football star who goes to play college football but then gets hit by a 300 pound linemen in the knee and his career is over right then. Coach “Eddie Rake” former football coach who was very hard to please no matter what you did and the team didn't know weather to hate or to like him. Neely and his teammates come back to remember there sick and dieing coach Eddie Rake but all the memories were so good.

John Grisham shows strong memory throughout bleachers by the players talking to each other about old times when they played for Eddie and how good of a team they were. After the death of Eddie Rake, the players gather together for their respects at the funeral. “Most of the Spartans sitting quietly in the bleachers didn't know Messina with out Coach Eddie rake. In this book Bleachers, John Grisham did a good job explaining Eddie rake through the players. When the team came together and talked about how there old coach was a great football coach.

This book relates to Friday Night lights because it's about a football team who has a great coach and a great athlete who get hurts. Bleachers is formed around football but Friday night lights is non-fiction and Bleachers is fiction. Bleachers is a book that is hard at first to get to know the characters. But once you get to know them the book gets exciting and is phenomenal if you like football books. Fans of old memories and football fans will enjoy this book. If you are a fan of football than this is a book for you and you, should get it and read soon!


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