Running out of Time | Teen Ink

Running out of Time

December 7, 2007
By Anonymous

Running out of Time

One day, I was at the library sprawling through the books. I went through many aisles until I found a book that sounded good. I read the inside cover, and to be honest, I sort of thought it was going to be boring. At the beginning it says that it takes place in the 1800's.But it wasn't until I read more until I read that it as actually 1996 and she lived on a tourist site.

In this page turner, Jessie lives in a tourist attraction, secretly being watched by people all day long. You get to feel the curiosity of Jessie whenever she sees pretty much anything outside of her small town.

I am not a sci-fi fan, but this book is just so interesting! You will probably laugh when she says things like "why don't the lights flicker?" and "how is this doorknob so smooth?"

I am a picky reader, but I loved this book. I definitely recommend reading it.


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