Our Walls | Teen Ink

Our Walls

January 13, 2015
By AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
AbbySmith SILVER, Ottawa, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is defined by what we hold back,
What we chose not to say.
No one knows better than us,
What we hide from the world.
Eah one of us projects an image,
A facade, of what we believe
Society wants to see,
Trapping who we are
Within ourselves.
The walls we so carefully built
The ones we were told would keep us safe,
Have become a prison.
They no longer keep us safe from harm,
But isolate us, keeps everyone out.
We have become a world
Caged within our minds,
Unable to speak up.
But this doesn't have to be the way it is,
You can say no.
You can tear down your walls
Brick by brick, show the world
Who was hiding inside them.
Stop staying quiet,
No longer be a standby,
A mindless drone,
Letting horrid things happen
To the people around you,
Things you could have prevented.
Do not regret what you cannot change,
But change so you don't regret.

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