Friends | Teen Ink


November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

F.R.I.E.N.D.S has and for many generations be a wonderful and fun comedy. So many surprising things have happened in the last few seasons that no one expects.
Rachel and Ross?
Rachel and Ross, Ross and Rachel, the question has been answered and asked over and over as long as the show has filmed. They are on again – off again – on again – off again, but will they ever be together and stay together.
We all know when Ross thinks he’s right (which he always does) he will never let you hear the end of it, until you agree with him. This is not a very good combo with Rachel (however, bringing up that ‘They were on a break’ all the time, is probably not the best way to get into her heart). It’s not just to persuade, though.
Phoebe and Ross:
In Season 2 Episode 3 “Heckles Dies” Phoebe and Ross spat about whether evolution is real or not. Phoebe humors Ross that there is a possibility that evolution is real, but that is not enough for Ross. Continuing throughout the episode Ross takes things from the museum he works in and presents them to her in chronological order of how they evolved.

Did Phoebe get the message, or did Ross cave in all his beliefs? Find out by watching it!
Janis and Chandler:
“OH, MY, GOD!” that’s how you know when Janis walks in. The off and on relationship that everyone hates. Chandler at times hates it himself, until he ends up in it again. Do they end up together, or do Chandler and Janis find other lovers? And if they do, will ‘the gang’ ever accept Janis and their own?
Ross comes home from China… with Julie:
The Rachel response that no one expected –“Isn't that just kick-you-

in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic?” You can tell how ecstatic she is about the new couple. Julie is a little skeptic at first, but once Rachel says, “It’s a metaphor,” Julie lets it slide. Ross who is so excited about his new relationship doesn’t even notice the comment, and continues to talk about how they (Julie and Ross) met, where, when, their first date, and so on. This event, will it keep Ross and Rachel apart? Or will Ross realize who he really loves, Rachel? This adds to the question of will they ever get together. So if you want to find out, I suggest going and watching, at least, the last 2 series.
All of the seasons of Friends you see Monica cleaning, talk about cleaning, hear someone scared about Monica with her OCD attacks on the house, and how if anyone messes with anything, she’ll know. People can try to help her clean, and one of her favorite lines to use in this case is, “You can help, but if I raise my voice and yell at you it’s only because you’re doing it wrong.” Oh Monica, the things you are strict about.
There is also her past that will forever haunt her. Monica, the Big-Fat-Goalie in soccer, she punished people by sitting on them, and last but not least she had a mystery midnight kiss that she will never forget. The person that she kissed was not the person she thought she kissed.
Watch Episode 11 of Season 10, and you will be shocked by who the mystery midnight kisser was. Also in that episode, Joey is a guest on the Celebrity Pyramid, Ross revisits the past college party that he and Chandler threw, and Phoebe is bummed when Rachel and Monica forgot ‘an activity’ for her engagement party.
Love, or not to love
After the seasons have gone bye, we’ve seen so many relationships we can’t even count them all. At one point there was at least one of these relationships – Ross and Rachel, Chandler and Monica, Rachel and Joey, Joey and Phoebe – and so on. There were so many off and on relationships, so many failed relationships, multiple Joey relationships, and we cannot for forget about when 2 guys from the gang like the same girl.
If you want to enjoy it just as I have, I suggest to not wait any longer to watch it! Go now! It has 10 seasons and more than 200 episodes total, so if I were you, I’d hop to it!

The author's comments:
its about friends

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pan1c BRONZE said...
on Dec. 14 2013 at 7:34 pm
pan1c BRONZE, New London, Connecticut
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What? I'm sort of confused after reading this...