Stiff by Mary Roach | Teen Ink

Stiff by Mary Roach

May 22, 2015
By Layman BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Layman BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I selected Stiff, the title automatically intrigued me. As I read the first chapter, I grew an interest in Mary Roach's words. During this book, Roach answers the question "What happens to our bodies when we die?" and explains each stage in nauseating detail. Stiff is a great read for someone who may not enjoy reading in their free time but loves to laugh. A twist of humor is created throughout each sentence, making the book very enjoyable. Ironically, while you are laughing or trying not to throw up, you are learning something new. Roach writes each story from a first-person point of view and dissects the technical language into something readers can understand. If you even have the slightest interest in working in the medical field or just enjoy gross things this book is most definetely for you. Mary Roach takes your interests and questions then answers them all within twelve chapters. She takes you back to the past where investigations of the human body first began then fast forwards to current times in labratories and pharmacies. Overall, this book is an excellent read for everyone, except for those with a weak stomach.

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