A step from heaven | Teen Ink

A step from heaven

January 9, 2011
jirawat tantivongsakij BRONZE, Bkk, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Review: A step from heaven

A step from heaven is written by Anna. A step from heaven gets many awards such as ALA notable book, a horn book fanfare book, a publisher’s weekly best-seller and other many awards. The story has many painful and sadness stories but when you read this book to the end you will see that life does not have only bad thing.

The story is about little girl Youg ju she is a Korean girl but she has to left her friends and move to Mi Gook or America. They go and live with aunt because they do not have enough money to buy a house but in the end of the story you will see something. When she moves to America she has many problems come in to her life. Her mother has born new child a little boy Joon ho. When Joon ho was born father and mother seem to look Joon ho important than her. She wants to make father and mother proud about her because when they meet friend they will talk about only joon ho that one of the problem for her. One event starts up her father become a violent and drunk person. In this book you will see many emotions to.

I suggest everybody should buy this book because it will teach you many things about life and if you a teen age that now struggle in life you should buy this book now. When you read you will meet more fun page to page chapter to chapter every pages was fun and exciting.


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