Huckleberry Finn | Teen Ink

Huckleberry Finn

May 19, 2013
By hannahc1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
hannahc1 SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a mischievous boy named Finn,
And we all knew his dad was a dumb drunk.
Because of his dad his story is grim.
So little Huck fell into a bad funk.

His dad wanted Huck so he kept him held.
When his dad got drunk he started to beat.
Huck did not like that and so he dispelled.
Then the crazy dad stormed off with defeat.

On his way out he ran into his friend.
His friend was a runaway slave named Jim.
Jim was a person that he could depend.
They went to the river to have a swim.

Jim and Huck made a very perfect team.
When they journeyed together they would beam.

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