Snowfall Freedom | Teen Ink

Snowfall Freedom

November 14, 2023
By JennyZhu967 SILVER, New York, New York
JennyZhu967 SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When these gentle white diamonds of the sky land on your palm

They dissolve at your touch, becoming a part of you and becoming yours.

Every snowflake is unique just as each freedom is different: Voting, education, equality; but—-

Every Freedom comes at a price…

Your ancestors paid the price for you: slavery, revolutions, independence. 

But as time goes on and on, you forget how important those snowflakes meant (mean)

You forget that your snowflakes are a privilege, not a guarantee; so—-

You forget the people still fighting for their snowfall…

They fight with their weapons, woes, and words

For snow clouds to light the sky with white,

This snowflake is small, so only a few people catch it; and—-

This snowflake’s tips are tinged with red…

Snowfall freedom comes at a price

And history makes sure you never forget…

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