Lad in Love | Teen Ink

Lad in Love

January 29, 2023
By Anonymous

Thy man amongst the leaves

Standing poised and gallant is he

The patterns shine bright on his sleeves

He is handsome and carefree


He’s thinking of his delightful lover

And her porcelain skin and long golden mane

Above his head, his thoughts start to hover

As he knows that he soon will reign


As dusk begins to set

He longs to see his beloved

Every time is like the first time, they ever met

When he’s in her presence, he never feels unloved


He plans to steal a kiss in the night

For she is worth any misfortune

Even though sometimes, it might feel like a fight

As she pleads her love so slightly it makes me grin


It will all be for nothing if they are caught

But I know that the battle was hard fought

The author's comments:

It is based of the Renaissance painting, "Young Man Among the Roses" by Nicholas Hilliard

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