Quest | Teen Ink


May 16, 2019
By IzumiHayato0 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
IzumiHayato0 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enchanting thine eyes, sophisticated.

Lost inside them… seemingly endless void…

Engulf me in thy mystery coated

Essence. Aid me, to everything avoid…

Captivating irises lure me in.

Aimlessly wandering, such wickedness.

Wells of knowledge hide within. Deadly sin

It is to wish for such omnipotence.

Teach me, glorious entity, to flit,

Not , as thou doest in the face of danger.

I'm weak, as thou seest, I'm unfit.

Help me, thy majesty, win this wager.

Let me not succumb to resigned despair,

Aid me in my quest to end this nightmare.

The author's comments:

First of all I would like to thank you, dear editor, for taking the time to read this little sonnet of mine. This sonnet is titled “Quest” and was inspired by the feelings that took over me while going through a rough patch in life. I don’t know if my feelings are correctly expressed through these words but, it’s an important part of me either way. I don’t expect this to be featured or anything of that sort, I simply thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say.


Jose Saucedo is an 18 year old boy who dislikes the sun and is socially awkward most of the time. He was born in Mexico and currently resides in Dallas, Texas. He plans to attend the University of Texas at Dallas and major in Software Engineering. Despite this submission, Jose really hates poetry and enjoys fiction, dark fiction to be more specific, the most. He has many hobbies such as playing the piano, drawing, and even skating. Many people know him for his love and passion for anime and his extreme clothing choices: he wears suits every single day...

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