Life Across Continents | Teen Ink

Life Across Continents

November 6, 2013
By Antonia McGrath BRONZE, 8824 Schoenenberg, Other
Antonia McGrath BRONZE, 8824 Schoenenberg, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All my life I've travelled,
Flown around the world,
In sparkling white aeroplanes,
Like a gigantic bird.

I've seen so many places,
Mountains, rainforests, and seas,
And the people I have met,
Are great friends now to me.

I've learned so much from traveling,
Of cultures, languages and ways,
And the experiences I've had,
Are memories that blaze.

And though it's been amazing,
Rich, exciting and new,
And I have loved it very much,
I sometimes hate it too.

Because every time you go somewhere,
You have to say goodbye,
And all the friends that you have made,
These you must leave behind.

It feels like your chest is caving in,
You're holding back the tears,
As you hug and promise to write,
To all those you hold dear.

And as your airplane leaves the ground,
The tears fall silently,
You watch the houses growing small,
Wondering if ever back you'll be.

Some you keep in touch with,
And others fail to write,
And weeks go by as you miss them,
With all of your heart's might.

This is what I hate so much,
About traveling constantly,
You leave behind shreds of your heart,
Torn out painfully.

You never know where to call home,
Because you're never really there,
Part of your heart will always be,
With someone else somewhere.

But in all truth, the good things,
Far outweigh the bad,
And all the happy memories,
Far outweigh the sad.

Though it is true we pay a price,
For a rich life such as this,
To know and love so many,
Although these we do miss.

So I am glad that I have had,
These opportunities,
And never would I give these up,
They're now a part of me.

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