Ms.Tietgen; | Teen Ink


February 14, 2013
By sammie2711 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
sammie2711 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up each day, dreading all the homework I don’t understand or have time for. But then, when I walk into the learning center (my school’s area for students with special needs), I see Ms. Tietgen and I feel relief from my stress. Each day, Ms.T gives me encouragement and understanding. She takes her own time to help me—and any student—with both homework and personal issues. Also, Mrs. T can talk to any student like she is his or her best friend. And I’ve found that I can tell her anything.
I have never seen Ms. T just sitting around. She is always helping students. Her encouragement and understanding makes it easier for students to connect with her. I have seen her be able to control kids that never want to do anything. And she’s always able to get them to do their homework by teaching them on a one-on-one level.
Her understanding and compassion makes students feel comfortable, because to her, there is never a stupid question. She would never judge a student on how his or her spelling is or how he or she doesn’t know the simplest question. Instead, Ms. T is always patient and she is always willing to walk each student through concepts, as much as is needed.
She is great at multitasking. And she is the most detected teacher I know. She has helped me with so many English papers and math homework. If it wasn’t for her detection to helping me understand my homework, my GPA be much lower.
I appreciate her encouragement, understanding, and detection. Without her, I don’t know where I would be. She has the kindest heart; and no one can beat the qualities she puts into teaching.

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