Mrs. Carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carnell

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

Walking into advanced composition on a warm September afternoon, me and one of my best friends are greeted by a sweet lady with a smile on her face. Throughout the semester Mrs. Carnell would always talk about treating others with kindness even if it's not reciprocated. She would tell us the importance of a smile and how it can make someone's day. She wouldn’t just tell us this either; she would show it and we could all see it in her actions. Whether it be smiling and saying hi to us in the hallways or just always being positive in class. 

Sometimes we could tell that Mrs. Carnell was having a bad day and some teachers might be down for the class or even take it out on the class, but not Mrs. Carnell. It seems like in almost any situation she could find a positive or a bright side to it. I always really appreciated this because who wants to go into a class with a negative teacher? 

At the beginning of the semester I wasn’t very happy and was pretty pessimistic. As the semester progressed I started to take what she was saying to heart and actually use it in my life. Because of Mrs. Carnell’s constant positiveness and optimism I was able to start seeing the bright side of things in my life. I am a much happier person now, and I owe a lot of that to Mrs. Carnell. 

At the end of the semester right before we read our final exam Mrs. Carnell read a piece of her own. In this piece she wrote about each student in the class and kind of how she sees each of us. For me she wrote “ Noah, The sincerity of a smile and the willingness to follow rules”. This meant a lot to me because I didn’t think that teachers really paid attention to students' personalities and behavior. This showed everyone in the class how much she cares about us. Even though it might have been small; someone taking the time to do something nice for you means a lot. As me and my friend left the class for the last time, we sew the same sweet lady smiling at us only this time we were smiling too.

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