Supernatural | Teen Ink

Supernatural MAG

October 13, 2023
By seraphstiel BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
seraphstiel BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche

I felt my own heart pounding in my chest, watching the nurses and doctors work frantically to save my brother’s life. The sound of the heart monitor was deafening, and I could barely even hear my thoughts over the noise. I’d never felt so helpless, like there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop this from happening. Then the guilt set in.. what if it could’ve all been prevented? What if I had done something — anything different? Would we still be here? I felt numb, in a daze of sorts. I felt so lost at this moment. So lost in the lack of sound and scene. What was happening to me? 

Eric Kripke and Kim Manners have written and directed a heart-wrenching, anxiety-inducing episode within their already enthralling universe of “Supernatural” (2005). This series intertwines suspense, horror, and drama into one storyline between just two brothers and their acquaintances along the way. Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) make their way through the world ...saving people, hunting things” — their “family business.” Which consists of going around the country and, on rare occasions, even the world, fighting supernatural beings and protecting civilians from things that go bump in the night. “In My Time of Dying” is the riveting, tear-jerking pilot of the second season of Eric Kripke’s “Supernatural.” It is certainly an episode with an enticing storyline, as well as one with deep, unspoken emotion to make your heart ache with a dull sensation of sorrow.

In Season Two, Episode One, titled “In My Time of Dying,” we find Dean Winchester in fatal condition from a semi-trailer truck and car wreck in Shiloh County, Missouri. His brother Sam and his father John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) are left alive, and now, they have the task of putting their differences aside and bringing Dean back from being trapped within the veil. Although Dean swore he’d fight and never give up on this life, as well as saying that this battle could not be fought without him, when met with a reaper holding the name of “Tessa,” he begins to rethink this decision.

The reason why the storyline is so captivating is due to the emotional depth of the characters and the high stakes of the plot. This particular episode is a game changer because it starts to delve into the complex relationships between the members of the Winchester family (mainly Sam, Dean, and John) and the lengths they will go to protect each other. Sam is willing to do whatever it takes to save his brother’s life, even using an Ouija Board to communicate with Dean to figure out how to save him. Their father then makes the ultimate sacrifice to keep Dean alive and fighting despite the odds. The characters confront major grief and loss, as well as the fear of losing each other in the process.

The emotions of “In My Time of Dying” are raw and intense, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. The emotions are extremely palpable from the very beginning. The episode also explores the complicated relationship between John and his sons and the feelings that come with that. The flashbacks to their past are poignant and bittersweet, highlighting the love and loyalty that they have for each other. For example, in Season One, “Salvation,” Sam and Dean are actively trying to save a family from a demon that John has been hunting for years now. Once John shows up unexpectedly, he and Sam find themselves caught in a heated argument about John’s hunting obsession and neglect. Sam accuses John of not caring and only using Dean to further his agenda. John insists that he’s just “trying to protect them,” while Sam storms out and Dean continues to hunt the demon with John. Overall, the emotions are definitely what make this episode so powerful, and it’s a strong testament to the show’s writing and acting that they can convey such complex emotions so effectively.

“In My Time of Dying” is undeniably an episode filled with intense passion and admiration. This story will certainly draw you in and make you want more of it. “Supernatural” is undoubtedly an excellent choice for those who love to dabble in the genres of fear and fantasy with raw emotion intertwined in the mix. If truth be told, these two brothers will grow on you.

The author's comments:

I've been an avid fan of Supernatural for years and years, if you enjoy a dramatic storyline with family dynamics -- this one's for you!

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