Divergent | Teen Ink


May 1, 2014
By Megan1027 BRONZE, Cashmere, Washington
Megan1027 BRONZE, Cashmere, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Review of the movie Divergent

The movie Divergent keeps you on your toes as Tris finds out the truth about herself, her family, and the one she ends up loving, as she is keeping a secret from everyone. She is once in Abnegation, but now is Dauntless, leaving her family behind forever. She fights and struggles to stay in Dauntless, knowing anyone could find out her secret and kill her. She ends up getting help from another Dauntless member, Four. They go through many things together as they start to fall in love. The find out that the Erudites are trying to take over the faction system and work together to shut it down. But on the way something bad happens, and someone tris loves and misses comes to save her, also finding out a secret about them. Then, more Abnegation members joining together to shut down the system. The movie was a “dystopian post-apocalyptic” version of Chicago after many fights and wars.
Five factions were created: Dauntless, meaning you had courage and were brave; Abnegation, meaning you were selfless in every way; Candor meaning you told the truth no matter what; Amity, meaning you were kind and liked peace; or you were and Erudite meaning you were intelligent. But, there was also factionless, which meant you fit into none of the factions or Divergent and you fit into every single faction.
Divergent was first written as a novel; now it is also a movie. The novel was written by Veronica Roth and the movie was directed by Neil Burger. There is also a sequel called Insurgent coming out March 20, 2015.
Divergent is full of romance between Tris and Four and action throughout the whole movie, which I really liked.
Divergent is very similar to the Hunger Game series. If you liked the Hunger Games, you will like Divergent even more! The movies are so much alike with their action and romance.
Divergent is the best movie I have ever seen! The characters fit their part perfectly, and couldn't have done any better! Every part of the movie was great! Divergent is a must see!

The author's comments:
Its my favorite movie, I liked it a lot!!!


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