Vice | Teen Ink


June 28, 2024
By RajitRanjanPandey SILVER, Tel Aviv, Other
RajitRanjanPandey SILVER, Tel Aviv, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

After having gotten kicked out of Yale for drinking and fighting, Richard Bruce (Dick) Cheney was spiraling downwards faster than ever. After being motivated by his wife to resume aspiring, Cheney joins an internship program in the Congress and starts improving into a responsible man. This movie showcases how Cheney (Christian Bale) steadily rises in the political circuit. Along the way, he makes important friends like Donald Rumsfeld (Steve Carroll) and Antonin Scalia (Matthew Jacobs) who help him gain prominence. Through subtle techniques like being a helpful assistant and making the wildest actions sound perfectly normal, Cheney rises to the position of White House Chief of Staff under Gerald Ford and is awarded the much-coveted post of Secretary of Defense under George H.W. Bush (John Hillner). But he truly becomes one of the most powerful men on the planet as vice-president to George W. Bush (Sam Rockwell). There, he secures acceptance for gay marriage within the Republican Party as his daughter Mary was homosexual. He also gathers great power in the White House with powers never awarded to vice-presidents ever before. Exploiting the ‘Unitary Executive Theory’, Cheney modifies privacy and torture laws. His ruthlessness is evident as he nibbles away at such basic laws. His faction within the Bush Administration, mainly consisting of Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of Defence Paul Wolfowitz are informed about every aspect of government. On the day of 9/11, Cheney can be seen exercising presidential power in the Situation Room. Adam McKay displays his vice-presidency masterfully as he triggers the calamitous Iraq War, exploiting anonymity and public oblivion. However, karma comes knocking on his door. He becomes vastly unpopular globally, deemed too bellicose and disregarding of human rights, and several of his faction members, most importantly Rumsfeld, are forced to resign. Yet, Cheney leaves office having changed millions of lives like, quote, “a ghost”.

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