Anthem by Ayn Rand | Teen Ink

Anthem by Ayn Rand

May 22, 2018
By AlexisR BRONZE, Houston, Texas
AlexisR BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the story, Anthem, they live in a society where everyone is together as one. The words I, me, my and any other word that talks about being alone or your own person have been completely erased from existence. It isn’t allowed for one individual to have preferences or an ego. These rules were made to allow everyone to be equal, so that no one person will be lesser than another. Their government doesn’t allow them to have their own personality or life. To even have your own individual name is prohibited. It would stop people from comparing themselves to one another because it is against the law to care. There should be no one person stronger, smarter, or better looking. This causes the main character, Equality 7-2521 to want to rebel because he isn’t allowed to follow his own passions in fear that he will be better at it than they should. Once the main character discovers individualism they say “For the word “We” must never be spoken, save by one’s choice and as a second thought. This word must never be placed first within a man’s soul, else it becomes a monster, the root of all the evils on earth, the root of man’s torture by men, and of an unspeakable lie.” I believe that this will be the foundation of the society Equality will create.

The community would value their own body and personality and take great pride in one's unique features. Equality’s society will not only acknowledge and accept everyone’s differences but everyone will praise them. Everyone will not only be free to make their own decisions but they will be encouraged to. This would be a community that values education but doesn’t force it on you. The government wouldn’t make you ask permission to do simple tasks like the previous one did. They would encourage you to venture out into the unknown and to discover the mysteries of the world. This would be a society where people would like the way they looked and not care how others perceive them because their originality is admired. This new-found community will be filled with love for one another, but also have the ability to accept or deny one’s love. And because they have never known love before, the love that each citizen will hold in their heart will be so much more passionate and loyal that it would only be described as pure. Far purer than we are able to hold in our hearts today, and their bodies would be filled to the rim with a feeling of joy and gratefulness. I imagine his new society to be much like ours but without hate. A civilization without war or murder, racism or sectionalism. But every functioning civilization has rules, so what would be the rules of his?

Although I believe that Equality’s new community will be very loose on the rules, there would have to be basic safety rules. Rules that remind you to never go into the uncharted forest alone and without protection. That every new discovery should be shared and tested to make sure it’s safe. Things that involve anything with the previous government would most likely not be encouraged. Equality would most likely not want this type of lifestyle to go on. But keep in mind that he would probably want them to live their lives however they please. Knowing this I think you would agree that the law with the most emphasis placed upon it would be that no one person should try to force their way of life on another. The only rule that would be allowed to come to this new government is that every big decision that would affect the entire population should be shared and voted on. This seems like it would be nothing but a miniscule price to pay for a world of harmony unlike one ever known to man before. With depth and an idea such like this one who wouldn’t love to get wrapped up in this wonderful book.

The author's comments:

I hope that even though people may not like the sound of the book that they at least consider reading the book

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