The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi | Teen Ink

The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

January 25, 2017
By MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
MonkeyGamerYT88 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The main character is Marji. Marji is a little girl who grows up with problems such as uncles going to jail, family members getting killed, and etc. Her mom and dad and other people were trying to kick the king out so they won't have anymore problems.

This book is about growing up as a girl in Iran provides a unique glimpse into a nearly unknown and unreachable way of life. The Satrapi told this little girl stories on how they grow up. Marji and her family grows up having problems and they are trying to kick the king out so they won’t have stuff like death or war.

This book reminds me about when my grandpa and grandma told me stories about them when they were young. They had problems such as war, death, trying to escape and run.

I recommend The Complete Persepolis, because it is a really good book. It is about how a little girl grows up having problems with a lot of stuff and her uncles are dying and are getting tortured and killed in jail. away, and etc.

The author's comments:

This inspired me to write about this because this book is a really good book and I want you guys to see how everyone does not grow up the same or equally.

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