A Work in Progress by Connor Franta | Teen Ink

A Work in Progress by Connor Franta MAG

November 16, 2016
By riley.griem BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
riley.griem BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Connor Franta speaks to today’s youth with his book, A Work in Progress. His inspiring words flow directly from the page into the reader’s heart. The book contains stories from his journey from La Crescent, Minnesota, to an internationally recognized Internet personality. Franta delves into many personal topics: discovering his passion, experiencing social media-induced “FOMO,” and other important excerpts from his life.

This New York Times best seller takes the reader on a roller coaster ride of joy, despair, rage and relief. It is engaging, and one of the few books I have enjoyed recently. Typically, I despise nonfiction. However, since this book is by a new, young writer, it feels like my interests are captured in the pages. Franta’s voice definitely contributes to that feeling. He writes as if he is chatting with you in a café. This informality welcomes readers and made me feel like I had known him forever.

One story that really impacted me was about Franta finally accepting that he is gay after denying it for over 10 years. This chapter gave me hope that his story will inspire others to accept who they are. It made me think of friends who have recently come out to me.

While I was reading A Work in Progress, I felt waves of emotion. The tales range from light-hearted to heavy. The words brought me to tears at times – tears of sadness and of joy. Some of the more heart-wrenching stories will stand out if you are a fan of Connor Franta.

The 212 pages contain 37 stories, each special and packed with details, but I wish there had been more links between them. The individuality and character in every story left me desperate for more. If you’re looking for inspiration in your life or feel in need of a friend, A Work in Progress is the book for you.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by this book and I hope to encourage others to read it.

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