The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

April 1, 2016
By ksymons BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
ksymons BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review
The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer, is a book about a young boy who goes through physical and emotional abuse by his mother. After being rescued from his home he travels from foster home to foster home in search for a “forever home”. While trying to please each one of his foster parents he always seem to do something wrong that will result in him getting kicked out. Going through his everyday being ridiculed and made fun of just because of the way he looks and acts. He is trying to find out who he is and why this is the life he was given. He begins to search for a job so he can become a responsible kid and start saving his money. The theme of this book is if you keep trying you will succeed in the things that come hardest in life.0 When he went through the abuse as a child he never thought he would be saved but then it happens because he never gave up.
Reading this book you learn that many people in this world wake up everyday not knowing where their next meal is coming from. You learn not to take what you have for granted. The main character in the book is about the Author’s life growing up. Dave Pelzer’s purpose to this book is to show the world his story and make the world aware of what is happening in the lives of others. Reading this book you become aware of a topic that you might not have known existed.  
The book itself was very well written and was very interesting. Dave Pelzer gave great detail in the book and made it seem like you were actually in the same experience. When the book had a sad moment you felt sad, when it turned happy or mad you felt happy or mad. The topic of the book was very interesting. The fact that people go through their life living it like this is just horrible. I recommend this book greatly if you are into books with great detail and real life situations that happen to people. Overall this book kept you on your feet and you never knew what was going to happen next.  

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