An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green

September 9, 2015
By Anonymous

The story An Abundance of Katherine's is a story about a boy named Colin who was trying to figure out why he kept getting dumped by the Katherine's he dated by making a mathematical theorem. I would definitely recommend this book for other people because it was very intriguing and there were times where you were on the edge of your seat.
Colin had just graduated high school and was very depressed because he had just been dumped for the 19th time.  His friend Hassan thought a good way to cheer him up would be to take a road trip. They convinced their parents and they were off.  The long road trip finally ended when they got to Gut shot, Tennessee to see Archduke Franz Ferdinand's eternal resting place. There they met a girl named Lindsey and she let them stay at her house. Her mom Hollis put them to work for their shop in Gut Shot by going around and interviewing certain people.
Throughout the time they were there Hassan met a girl named Katrina that he just absolutely loved. One day a group of Lindsey and her friends, including Colin and Hassan, went pig hunting. In the middle of the woods Colin and Hassan decided they didn't want to go any farther. After a couple of hours of just sitting there they see a pig and shoot at it. They missed and hit a nest of honeybee's which started going after them. After 10 minutes strait of running the honeybee's left leaving Colin and Hassan with a bunch of stings. As soon as they stopped running they realized where they were which was Archduke Franz Ferdinand's grave. There they saw Lindsey's boyfriend Colin and Katrina cheating. Colin brought it up and there was a big brawl. Lindsey wasn't very happy so they broke up. Later that night Colin found Lindsey in her secret place that only he knew about.
This now gave the opportunity for Colin and Lindsey to date allowing there to be no Katherine 20. Who knows if it happens. Lindsey thought Colin's theorem was genius and told Colin that he should finish it. The road trip I think definitely helped Colin and made him less depressed. I think he will go to college being very happy.

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