The help by Kathryn Stockett | Teen Ink

The help by Kathryn Stockett

September 9, 2015
By AustinWingett BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
AustinWingett BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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          "The Help" is a must read.  Kathryn Stockett really made a great story.  She really captured what it is like to live in Jackson Mississippi in 1962 as a black person.  It tells how they had to deal with the harsh conditions they were put through.  She also tells what it was like for a white female. 
          Aibileen had to go through a lot.  She couldn't even use the same bathroom as the white family she took care of.  She had to take care of a little kid who's mother didn't do anything for her.  The family Minny took care of was even worse, until she was fired.  Skeeter then came back and wanted to interview them so she could write a story about what their lives were like. 
          This book has many moments where the reader is worrying about what is going to happen to the main characters next.  When Minny does the awful thing to Hilly, it makes you think of what Hilly will do to her.  This was a very well written book.  Kathryn Stockett takes you back in time to show how awful things were.  This is a must read for all readers.
          Everyone needs to read this book.  It is an amazing book that keeps you on your toes throughout the entire book.  I enjoyed reading this great book.  Any good reader should take a crack at "The Help", this was a wonderful read.
          If you are thinking about buying this book, you definitely should.  It is well worth it.  Every person over the age of 10 should have to read this book.  Kids need to know what it was like and this book tells it.  This was one of the best books I have ever read, and it will be one of yours too if you decide to read it.


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