Struck By Lightning by Chris Colfer | Teen Ink

Struck By Lightning by Chris Colfer

November 20, 2014
By Odie.I BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Odie.I BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
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Struck By Lightning/ Chris Colfer
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers,2012,258 pp.

You live in a small town, and your only friends are your grandma who doesn’t even recognize you and a girl who is not popular. Your school is full of jerks that care less about you. Well, that’s Carson’s life.

Carson Phillips, a seventeen year old senior, went to the worst school in town, Clover High, and lived in the worst town, Clover. His life sucked. His parents divorced over some petty arguments like a missing fifty bucks or just a left over dish in the sink. If you think his house is a mess, just wait until I tell you about his school full of idiotic people. “I’m the only with an IQ number bigger than his shoe size.” In other words, he was always more advanced than the other kids, but he got his best friend Malerie. You’re probably wondering who are the people that don’t like him well we have the whole cheerleading club, the whole football team, and Scott, Vicki, Dwayne, and Nicholas. Carson really wants to get into Northwestern. It’s the only school he wants to go too, and he’ll do anything to get into that collage one reason is to get out of that lame town Clover. He even starts the school literacy magazine, but when people still pick on him he decides he is done being Mr. Nice Guy.

I believe the author is trying to tell his readers to keep trying harder I say this because Carson dream is “to become the youngest freelance journalist to be published in the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Globe.” Eventually making his way to the New Yorker. Even though people kept telling him that nobody cared he still did not give up, also when the members of the writers club did not putting any effort into the newspaper. This book really affected me by making me to be confident, to persevere, and it told me that no matter what obstacle is in my way I should never give up. The author did well at describing the events that took place in the book but, I believe that the author should’ve talked about Carson’s best friend a little bit more. This book is very interesting, and motivational. I recommend this book to 8th grades, students in high school and, people who ever thought about giving up.
When I read this book starting from the first page I couldn’t stop laughing. It made me  and it really made me want to see the movie. I think the author should write more books like this one. It made me really think about my goals and, to never give up.


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