Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie | Teen Ink

Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie

October 9, 2013
By Anonymous

Sherman Alexie argues that the Spokane Indian reservation positively and negatively impacts the lives of Native Americans in “Reservation Blues”. The book is about a protagonist band seeking fame and fortune, but go through some troubling times trying to get there. One of the difficulties that they face is that the locals in the reservation do not appreciate their passion for ‘devil’ music. The book shows the reader a new outlook on Native American lives near and far from the reservation they call home. Thomas Builds-the-Fire, the main character, struggles trying to leave the reservation but the local community will not let them leave. Most of the characters face hardships in the novel and must overcome them to move on with their lives. The author, a Native American himself, shares brilliant piece of literature that immediately hooks you in and nearly impossible to put down. The author demonstrates his humor throughout his novel, but ends the book in a tragic manner. The book talks about the challenges the locals face on the reservation on a day to day basis. It shows poverty and sadness of the Native American culture. As a result, the locals struggle through many happy and hard times in their lives. We recommend this book if you are seeking for a new point of view through Native American eyes.

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