Stolen Children by Peg Kehret | Teen Ink

Stolen Children by Peg Kehret

October 29, 2012
By Anonymous

If you’re the type of person who loves mysterious books, “Stolen Children” is the book for you. Peg Kehret is a splendid author. She is a pleasant role model. “Stole Children”; to me, is one of her best books, because I love how she put everything together. “Stolen Children” is basically about a kidnapping.
While Amy was babysitting, Kendra was taking a nap, when all of a sudden, BOOM! It happened, right then and there! Amy was sitting by the pool relaxing, when all she heard was silence. She knew something was up. When Amy realized the yard had Kendra’s teddy bear in it, and a thug grabbed her away, she stands up for her, with a gun in the thugs hand. Screaming “HELP!!!” they drove away. How will they ever get back home, and how will they get in contact? Now, I don’t know about you, but I would want to read it, wouldn’t you?
Amy is trying to figure out a way to escape, and who is trying to survive off what she and Kendra can afford. Kendra is only 5 years old, so she is having nightmares, and Amy is just so protective; I would be too! Tubby is Kendra’s stuffed bear. As long as she has him, everything is ok; she says.
I like this book, because it really speaks to the reader. For example, when you want to stop reading, you just can’t stop. It’s a page turner!!! If you read this book and really like it, then you should check out some other Peg Kehret books!


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on Feb. 5 2015 at 6:00 pm
Can you help me? Well 1 analyzing Amy by using the STEAL strategy . One example from the text for each letter.