To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee | Teen Ink

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

October 1, 2011
By JasmineSidhu SILVER, Valencia, California
JasmineSidhu SILVER, Valencia, California
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Now deemed a modernistic classic, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird thoroughly lives up to its expectations. I thought it was a perfect coming-of-age novel that also explored the breadth of racism. Anyone willing to indulge in an all-time family favorite should definitely approach this book.
To Kill a Mockingbird revolves around the lives of Atticus and his motherless children, Jem and Scout. Atticus and his kids live in a predominately white neighborhood that fosters a strong prejudice against the black community. Atticus, being a lawyer, breaks society’s norms and defends an African-American client in court. At an early age, Jem and Scout forfeit their innocence to the atrocities of society. At the same time, they learn that humanity is one of the binding forces of society through their mysterious friend Boo Radley. The novel questions if people will ever be able to form an all-loving world.
This book was enlightening and inspirational. It depicts the powers of human ethicality and is drenched with symbolism. I personally thought it could make anyone want to become a lawyer through the loving and humane character of Atticus. Through her eloquent writing, Lee expresses her thoughts in an unparalleled manner. Once you start reading this book, you’ll regret that Ms. Lee never published another novel. This timelessly poignant book is a great read for all ages.

The author's comments:
When I first read this novel, I was captivated by its eloquence and engaging moral aspects.


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