Claim to Fame by Haddix | Teen Ink

Claim to Fame by Haddix

June 26, 2011
By abnormal PLATINUM, Jonesboro, Georgia
abnormal PLATINUM, Jonesboro, Georgia
24 articles 8 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
Truth is eternal. Knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them. <br /> <br /> -Madeleine L&#039;Engle

This book was extremely intriguing, but before I go into the book, I feel the author needs some recognition.

Haddix is a terrific writer. She draws out sci-fi stories, historical fiction, fantasy, and even some young children books. I have to say, she has excelled in every one of them. This is a magnificent author and I recommend all of her books.

This certain fictional story, Claim to Fame, is about a girl who used to be a famous child actress. Vanity was her weakness, and she suffered a great deal from it. Her punishment was to hear everything anyone every said about her. It was enough to drive anyone mad, considering her mother was already in a hospital for the same thing. With a dead father and a house that she won't leave, her life gets difficult when a long time fan tries to rescue her from nothing. Or is that just what she needs?

This book is the kind that keeps you reading until three in the morning with the charaters that feel like family and a twisting plot. Enjoy the book!


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