Insomnia by Stephen King | Teen Ink

Insomnia by Stephen King MAG

By Anonymous

   Do you ever have problems sleeping at night? Do you ever find yourself waking up just a little earlier each morning? Have you ever been thrust into a modern-day battle with psychotics, or immortal demons? If you're a fan of Stephen King, you have.

Stephen King is the number one best-selling author of such horrific novels as The Stand, The Shining and Christine and such movies as "Silver Bullet," "Stand by Me" and "Shawshank Redemption." According to Forbes, he is the highest paid author with an annual income over 43 million dollars. He loves baseball, has retired three times, and is convinced that a velociraptor is waiting for him under the basement stairs.

Insomnia takes place in Derry, Maine, a town which, as all King fans know, has a definite mind of its own. Recently widowed Ralph Roberts finds he has a problem sleeping. His friends and neighbors give him various remedies but none seems to work. Eventually Ralph discovers that his insomnia is giving him special powers. As Ralph is experimenting with his new talent, the town is having problems of its own.

To rewrite a quote from Misery, I'm Stephen King's number one fan. I've read every published, and some unpublished novels. Although this by no means makes me an expert, it at least gives me enough knowledge to rate this book. I'd have to say that although it's not nearly his best book (The Eyes of the Dragon), it's at least better than his two previous stories (Gerald's Game and Dolores Claiborne), which in my opinion were complete failures. This book is in my top ten list!

One of the things I like about Insomnia is the fact that it is yet another of King's stories that is connected to his Dark Tower series. Also, I liked the character development of Ralph and his elderly friends. This is one of the few King stories that I can actually envision becoming an ABC miniseries. The book has its classic mix of horror, suspense, comedy and action.

There is only one thing I did not like about his story: it dragged far too much in the beginning and almost made me stop reading it. I guarantee that it gets better as soon as you figure out what is going on, and the ending is an edge-of-your-seat thriller.

If you ever have a sleepless night or you just want a good read, take a look at Insomnia. I promise it'll entertain the sleep right out of you


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i love this !