Dead City | Teen Ink

Dead City

October 31, 2018
By Huriel BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Huriel BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Molly, the second child with an OMEGA mother. A double-faced teenager. She’s different compared to all other girls, she was trained to be an OMEGA just like her mother. Molly and her friends joined the OMEGA team to battle the undead. One of the lessons Molly was taught by the OMEGAS was “CLAP is the memory tool Omegas are thought for the proper procedure when confronting the undead.” (Ponti 128). As an OMEGA member the periodic table is a very important part of coding in the OMEGA business. The periodic table brings them in the Bakers case. As Molly aspired to be just like her mother, a ZEKE, she went through many phases and tests. At many parts of the book she fought level three undead people that were a great danger. And let us just say that these experiences were not as pleasing as we can imagine. “ Right when he was about to slam into her, she twisted to the side and used his momentum to slam him into the tile wall”(Ponti 52). This was one of the situations that Molly got herself into with a leveled three zombie. While training to be the next ZEKE, Molly was dealing with her ill mother, which was a tragedy to her whole family. But this did not stop her from prosperity to become the next best zombie killer. Soon enough she got in a big life or death situation challenging her to exceed her limits and risk it all.
I was really interested by the science fiction of this book. It had a lot of action and it had its sad moments. I liked how it had stages to the undead, stage one was described by the many human characteristics an undead creature had. As the stages increased a number. the less human characteristics the undead person had. I thought the amount of detail that was put into every stage was pretty interesting. The way every undead person was described gave me a clear image about the undeads appearances. I would definitely recommend this book to people that like action and gory books.

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I like rocks 

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