Working On Cars | Teen Ink

Working On Cars

May 8, 2018
By meredithp123 BRONZE, Seekonk, Massachusetts
meredithp123 BRONZE, Seekonk, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Working on cars can be tough
But it can also be fun
Some of the problems can be rough
But I will always get the job done

We have to use many tools
Without getting hurt
While we also need to follow the correct rules
And always be alert

Cars are very complex objects
There’s so many things that could go wrong
And they all have different effects
On a vehicle they could sometimes be lifelong

I hope this will be my long term career
As my dream for the future is pretty clear

The author's comments:

One of my hobbies is working on cars. When I am older I would like to pursue a career in the autmotive field.

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