Closed In | Teen Ink

Closed In

May 6, 2016
By Mrs.Witherly BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
Mrs.Witherly BRONZE, Boise, Idaho
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Not all those who wander are lost"

And then I was in a cage lost in thought and lost in grief,

This cage is the only home I’ve ever had,

When I was happy or when I was sad,

This cage is the only home I will ever have.

My memory will fade when my death is near

Some will laugh and some will cry,

But all I know is that I will die,

I will die here in this cage. 

My comfort is pain,

And my tears are acid,

My difference is clear,

But I don’t care I am always placid.

I will never be free,

But I hope someday my kin will be,

But for now I will stay in my cage alone as one can be.

The author's comments:

This piece is written in the perspective of an animal to raise awarness about animal cruelty. Specifically animal experimentation.

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