Hidden Love Does Not Mean Forbidden Love | Teen Ink

Hidden Love Does Not Mean Forbidden Love

April 13, 2016
By Kaitlyn Valenz BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Kaitlyn Valenz BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lonely thoughts I have in my head cause me 

To live in fear; constant weak spot of mine,

Proven incurable, even with time-

Just one more drink to keep my sanity,

I swear for me, it'll be no more than three.

The place is absolutely filled with grime,

No place for my white furs, diamonds; just crime-

And now, even whiskey cannot save me. 

But you, walked in and now my heart is yours;

Such charm and looks, I'll forget your clothes.

This place is bad; I know that yours has doors.

Under my robe, is where my true love grows.

From you I'll hide the truth - for us - in drawers,

With silks, and jewels, with furs, mirrors, and bows. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after reading the play, "A Streetcar Named Desire." I wrote it with the intentions of it being spoken from the perspective of Blanche, the main character. 

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