Little Fury Friend | Teen Ink

Little Fury Friend

February 8, 2016
By 21emeryi BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
21emeryi BRONZE, Wayne, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Paws click and clack on the floor

He never growls

Always wants to be pet more

He's never on the prowl


When it comes to food he's a pig

But doesn't really like dog food

He's maybe a little extra big

And just a little rude


He has to take a walk

He's a big baby

Always stops to talk

I love him a little too much maybe


He has dog breath

And I love him to death

The author's comments:

This poem is about my dog and is my inspiration. We people read this, I hope they see the strong connection I have with him. I learned writing this poem that if your inspiration is strong that the writing will come easy because it's right there in your mind.

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