The F-Word | Teen Ink

The F-Word

June 3, 2015
By Annallure BRONZE, Monroe, North Carolina
Annallure BRONZE, Monroe, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Advertize me like I am a product.

To your own appeal, judge and alter me.

Disguise my strong opinions with disgust.

Make me a woman for the world to see.


Confiscate my dignity and value.

Dress me up to meet the image you crave.

Can't speak my mind; I must be your statue.

No sl*ts, no prudes. Yes, women must behave.


No more! I say. Don't tell me how to live!

I am so much more than a man's plaything.

Let us rise! Take back what it ours to give,

Enduring the world benath our own wing.


We aren't objects; The thought is venomous.

We are subjects, and I am a FEMINIST.

The author's comments:

Feminism is so important...

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