Death | Teen Ink


March 11, 2015
By justdoingthisforschool BRONZE, Onaway, Michigan
justdoingthisforschool BRONZE, Onaway, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Why say sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon?

Death is a state of mind

that we all reach when we run out of time.
You don’t see it coming and that’s what’s scary.
The not knowing when is the weight we all carry.
Just like the Helm Of Darkness owned by Hades
No mortal can see it, be it a man or a lady.

Nobody knows when it will happen,
but when it happens, it seems to sadden
those left grieving that one being
who left and went on to another state of living.
I believe that we do not cease to exist,
we just move on to a perpetual waiting list.
So we wait that we can live again,
Be it full of pleasure or full of pain.

Life is just a never ending cycle
and death is just a crack or pop in the 33 vinyl
on a record player that is set to repeat.
And our creator is listening to the sound so sweet
Of the millions of lives spinning on their own little wheel
But do we really know if any of its real?

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