Love Sonnet | Teen Ink

Love Sonnet

February 8, 2015
By madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
madimarkklleeyy BRONZE, Hagerstown, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
keep smiling because eventually one day life will get tired of trying to knock you down.

Her heart cold as stone
Nothing can fix this break
For she feels so alone
She never wants to awake
For words were spoken
A crying girl emerged
Hearts are broken
An upset boy emerged
She thinks he does not care
For she does not know
He lay at home thinking this is not fair
For the glow they once had is no longer a glow
But instead a shadow of black
Outlining there eyes, wishing they could go back.

The author's comments:

This is my first sonnet I have ever written. I had an assignment for english class to write one since we are learning about Shakespeare and thought this turned out okay :). 

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