Lauren's Sonnet 1 | Teen Ink

Lauren's Sonnet 1

February 12, 2015
By Anonymous

Sonnet 1

Every light in the world is on,
And sun beams reach every corner,
Never known was a mourner,
I emit smiles, of which I’m so fond,

Nothing can hurt me or cause me distress,
Because this peace comes from inside,
On golden luster is where I ride,
In serenity and fullness I rest,

Save many a petal for this flower I contrive,
Give me a daisy,
And daylilies derive
After they have given their beauty to the world,
Gather soft feathers of lilies in the night,
And give them to me, to piece my new pearl.

The author's comments:

This piece may seem silly, but I think sometimes it's important to be light and happy.  The world tends to focus on the dark side of life too much, so I'd like to focus on the bright side for a moment.

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