The Marines Sonnet | Teen Ink

The Marines Sonnet

December 19, 2014
By Dez97 BRONZE, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Dez97 BRONZE, Atlantic City, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
(Franklin P. Jones)

Fearless men and women who fight and die.
America’s enemies beware.
They are masters of the air, land and sky,
brothers in arms a common bond they share.

Ducking bullets and dodging grenades,
running towards danger and saving the day.
Loving their country and giving their aid,
helping the helpless in every way.

Forged in the crucible iron strong,
the best of the best, Marines stand tall.
With a great shout and a hearty song,
One by one their enemies will fall.

Semper Fidelis more than just words.
All of their enemies will taste their swords.

The author's comments:

I have a love for our armed forces and more personally the Marine Corps and have been working on an appopiate sonnet.

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