Beauty? | Teen Ink


May 26, 2014
By i.i96 BRONZE, Quito, Other
i.i96 BRONZE, Quito, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mantis Shrimp

Deadly whip of speed and light,
Heat the blue with ease and purpose,
The life is gone and the eyes are night,
It leaves, it knows, it has no habeas corpus.

Eyes sharp and most magical,
Endless colors no one has ever seen,
A rainbow in skin that is supernatural,
Spurs jealousy in every queen.

Tough as nothing ever observed,
Bullets collapse at such celerity
Force incomparable, is quite unnerved
No equal to its nefarious ferocity.

An unwonted creature with name so wrong
For a mantis and a shrimp can’t sing its song.


No hold to see and still, a mile to go
Your hands move quick, your feet follow along
Observe how you move up with unique flow
By now there is no chance for something wrong

The sky seems closer than the ground beneath
The wall has to evince the terms herein
Your goal’s unequalled as you clench your teeth
A power so strong you stop, find a grin

Your halcyon mind knows nothing but the wall
Your fingers strong can grip the smallest rock,
Attention lost meet saints Peter and Paul,
The gambit of each move tracks a tic tock

Appreciate the beauty in the world,
Your hand up top your fingers are now curled.

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