Basketball | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By TylerDiehl22 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
TylerDiehl22 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to gain the world and lose my soul. Wisdom is better than silver and gold"
-Bob Marley

There is beauty in shooting the ball,
It is unexplainable to one
There is good and bad in making a call,
The play could lead to fame, glory, or none

Defense is the key to being a champ,
Stealing the ball, leading to easy points
Since you hardly move, you can’t get a cramp,
No, playing on defense cannot disappoint

I always take the behind the arc shot,
It is worth 3 points, always counting more
The quick jab-step, pump-fake is always bought,
Faking at the 3 point is a good lore

Basketball has always been my favorite,
I will breathe by it, live, and die by it.

The author's comments:
It means so much to me because ball is life.

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