Symphony of Suicide | Teen Ink

Symphony of Suicide

March 18, 2014
By IvyRizzi BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
IvyRizzi BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sorrow! Oh, how you played me for a fool!
Does Heaven know of your dreaded way
to fade the light within her eyes away?
You presented only a world so cruel
and soon captured my one and only tool.
How can I prosper through another day
now that you've gone and left her to decay?
I can't; leave me, I beg, the wooden stool.

Lock the pain tight around my steady breath
and wean the poised dances into my steps.
Please, stay and hold me 'til my mistress comes;
My last request I hold to life and death
Ignored as I hang from widowed theft,
Oh, Sorrow, look what you've done this time around.

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