Love Sonnet | Teen Ink

Love Sonnet

January 13, 2014
By Olivia Light BRONZE, Oak Park, California
Olivia Light BRONZE, Oak Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, I wish that you could see or hear me,
So that we could touch for just one last time
Trust me, I hear you when you talk to me,
I feel you when you cry for me at night.
You may think that I don’t see you long for me,
To burst open and run straight through the door
If only God had given me more time.
I don’t know when I will ever see you
But I do know there is one thing for sure,
My love will stay strong for there is no cure,
For this burden that many do call love.
And Death is the cancer in our bodies
We only have one thing left to save us,
The vaccine of our forever love.

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