Forgetting | Teen Ink


August 4, 2013
By Cameron Maltby BRONZE, Rainier, Washington
Cameron Maltby BRONZE, Rainier, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I sat and thought and sought,
To untie a twisted, mental knot
I felt a creeping, unclear feeling
It was a thought! It sent me reeling!

I sat straight up and stood straight down
Knocked down by this thought, so profound
And I found this thought was round,
And full, not dull, but loud in sound!

It bumped and bounced around my brain,
A mental strain to keep contained
It screamed and squirmed and begged be free
Saw through my voice its liberty
And it frothed a dusty musk
To be released it's only lust

So burdened by this thought, this bother
I sought out refuge in another,
Another intellectual brother
With whom to share my pate’s great fate

But so it happened that within an hour,
Like a budding, blooming, dying flower,
This brilliant think my mind conceived,
This burden from my mind relieved

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