Dead Rose | Teen Ink

Dead Rose

April 18, 2013
By beutifulburnette16 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
beutifulburnette16 BRONZE, Goshen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
do to others as you would want done to you

Life a dead rose floating in the air
People talk trash and are not innocent anymore
Walking through halls by the walls
All alone I stand on land
Do not know what to show or do
Should I worry or be sorry
My mind is lost between the lines
I want to find a way through my mind
I do not like this life
It is a tough life full of drama
Life is supposed to be about a rose alive
But I got to be brave or end up in the grave
It is a decision I have to make on my own
I can worry or I can fly the choice is mine
Life is either dull or full of flowers
A decision waiting to be made or fade
dead flowers flounder the cemetery
better be brave or you will end up in the grave
dead roses upon your pictures of poses

The author's comments:
Life is not easy, life is hard, people are nasty sometimes you just have to watch your back.

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