Sailor's Lament | Teen Ink

Sailor's Lament

January 8, 2013
By Rokuukor BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Rokuukor BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we will all hang separately."
-Benjamin Franklin, at the Signing of the Declaration of Independence

Ye threw me love asunder, off the prow,
Ye tossed me love to port, out from t’nest,
Ye dashed it to deck, wiped it from yer brow,
Ye flung it overboard, ignored the rest.

I climbed back on board, at the helm once more,

I grabbed the rail, returned broken, and bare,
I pieced me back together, and I bore,
T’worst of the fight, the darkest of night.

Ye were the best I could’ve asked for,
Ye were everything I’d ever wanted
Ye were the greatest gift, even before,
Across the sea, we traveled undaunted.

Then one great boom, all your great beauty hewn,
Aye, ye were a might fair vessel too lass.

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