Predator | Teen Ink


December 2, 2012
By ani6gup BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ani6gup BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is there a predator waiting to snap?
If so, run and hide as a turtle would,
Or cower in fear under a big wrap.
Don’t end up like little-red-riding hood.
Red should have never gone through those hallows.
Upon seeing the wolf, her face went white,
As white as the grim future that follows.
It became clear that she was his next bite.
But, in another version Red survives.
She does not surrender she perseveres.
Red fought the wolf; thank god there were no knives.
When she defeats her fear, the wolf, she cheers!

Man up, like Red, and crush that predator.

Be rid of your toughest competitor.

The author's comments:
Inspired by Red Riding Hood. I hope people will step up and face their fears!

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