My Killer, My Cure | Teen Ink

My Killer, My Cure

October 30, 2012
By caranicole1397 BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
caranicole1397 BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You are my love,

My hatred, my life

Your touch like a whisper

Your whisper a knife

You are my lullaby

You sing me to sleep

You are the monster

That comes in my dreams

You are a fairytale

My villain, my knight

You are a stranger

You are weak, yet you fight

You are the smile

That you bring to my face

You are the tears

I can't seem to erase

You are the lyrics

That gets me through the day

You are a sad song

That won't pause, only play

You are the doodles

Scribbled on the page

You are the bully

Who tries puts me to shame

You are my poison

My passion, my lure

You are my savior

My killer, my cure

The author's comments:
This poem is about conflicting emotions most teenagers have trouble coming to terms with. I wrote this on a whim, hence the lack of professionalism, but I kind of liked the idea of it being the kind of poem you'd find scribbled in the flap of a love-struck teenage girl.

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