You | Teen Ink


June 6, 2022
By RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
The villian will always be the villian if the hero tells the story.


Your eyes were a beautiful golden honey brown

They were the color of the kings crown

You hated your eyes though, they made you frown

But to me they were the best in town


Your laugh was delicate and fragile like a small child 

I loved the way after you laughed you smiled

At the same time it was calm and soothing, it was wild

You laughed even if your life was compiled


You had the most pretty raven, jet black hair

You hated it, said it wasn't fair

But darling blonde hair could never compare 

You’re perfect more than you're aware


When we talk your voice is by far my favorite tune

I live for our long talks in June

Everytime you leave I hope to hear your voice soon

I’ll sit and wait, staring at the moon


If you ever thought to ask me why I was so in love with you

I’d simply respond your favorite color’s blue 

You're also obsessed with plants and your favorites bamboo

I wait for an ‘I love you’ but you'll just ask how I knew

The author's comments:

This piece I made to explain the features of someone I love dearly. It was also a chance to try a new writing style. 

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