Waves | Teen Ink

Waves MAG

April 18, 2022
By gracehaller SILVER, Vero Beach, Florida
gracehaller SILVER, Vero Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right.”
― Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

There is this one line my dad would always sing 

After spending hours under the glistening Florida sun 

Sand in my hair, salty air, running into the water just for fun

He told me that the waves knew every thing,

They were full of questions and answers to anything

A tornado of silky, sapphire secrets from everyone 

Things left unsaid become only bubbles and to the floor they spun

Like a tide, come and go, shhh a soft hum, then CRASH, the turmoil is draining 

Then I began to wonder if they ever got tired 

Constantly taking things in, then leaving them to drown

Suffocating from shards of hate, lies, and goodbyes

If infinity wanted a new job, the waves would be hired

Constantly crashing against itself, up and down

They must get so exhausted, and I wondered if a wave ever cries

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